New AI Research Introduces GPT4RoI: A Visual Language Model Based on Instruction Large Language Model (LLM) Optimization on Region-Text Pairs Large language models (LLMs) have come a long way recently, demonstrating extraordinary performance in conversational tasks that require natural language processing. Examples include the commercial products ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, text-only GPT-4, and the opensource community LLama, Alpaca, Vicuna, ChatGLM, MOSS, etc. artificial intelligence models. As a result of the LLM’s effectiveness, the multimodal modeling … Read more

MIT AI learns molecular language for rapid materials development and drug discovery

MIT-Watson AI Labs’ new AI system dramatically simplifies drug and material discovery by accurately predicting molecular properties with minimal data. The system takes advantage of a molecular grammar learned through reinforcement learning to efficiently generate new molecules. This method has demonstrated remarkable effectiveness even with datasets of less than 100 samples. This AI system needs … Read more

CarperAI Introduces OpenELM: An Open Source Library Designed to Enable Evolutionary Search with Both Coded and Natural Language Language Models Natural language processing, a major subfield of artificial intelligence, is advancing at an extraordinary pace. With its ability to allow a computer to understand human language the way it is spoken and written, NLP has a number of use cases. One such development is the introduction of Large Language Models, which are the trained … Read more