New AI Research Introduces GPT4RoI: A Visual Language Model Based on Instruction Large Language Model (LLM) Optimization on Region-Text Pairs Large language models (LLMs) have come a long way recently, demonstrating extraordinary performance in conversational tasks that require natural language processing. Examples include the commercial products ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, text-only GPT-4, and the opensource community LLama, Alpaca, Vicuna, ChatGLM, MOSS, etc. artificial intelligence models. As a result of the LLM’s effectiveness, the multimodal modeling … Read more

CarperAI Introduces OpenELM: An Open Source Library Designed to Enable Evolutionary Search with Both Coded and Natural Language Language Models Natural language processing, a major subfield of artificial intelligence, is advancing at an extraordinary pace. With its ability to allow a computer to understand human language the way it is spoken and written, NLP has a number of use cases. One such development is the introduction of Large Language Models, which are the trained … Read more

Microsoft AI Research introduces a new deep learning framework called Distributional Graphormer (DiG) to predict the equilibrium distribution of molecular systems. The structure of a molecule determines its properties and functions. This is why structure prediction is an important problem in molecular science. Molecular scientists are appreciating the groundbreaking accuracy of deep learning approaches like AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold in identifying the most likely structures for proteins from their amino acid sequences. However, structural prediction can … Read more

Lightelligence Introduces World’s ‘First’ Network-on-Chip Optical Processor – News

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) require real-time parallel computations on huge amounts of data. These workloads exacerbate the memory bottleneck of classic all-purpose CPUs from both a latency and power perspective. To overcome these challenges, many new players in the industry are turning to new technologies for the future of AI/ML computing. Lightelligence … Read more