Light-based LiFi is incredibly fast, remarkably fragile, and now standardized by Ars Technica

Zoom in / “I can’t believe the quality of this 8K video tutorial! It’s like you’re really Ted, could you, yeah, move around there a bit? You’re blocking thanks.” LiFi.Co Light is almost certainly the fastest thing out there. So it makes sense that “light-based wireless communications” or LiFi could blow the theoretical doors of … Read more

A TikTok ban would make for an incredibly strange day on the internet

Last chance to see? Photo-Illustration: Intelligencer; Photo: Getty Images Last week, in a party vote, the Republican-controlled House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to advance a bill that would give President Biden the authority to sanction or ban TikTok. Over the weekend, Democratic Senator Mark Warner announced that, in cooperation with Republican John Thune, he would … Read more