Governor Moore Launches Maryland ActNow Campaign to Bridge Digital Divide in Maryland – News Releases – News – Governor Wes Moore’s Office

ANNAPLES, MD Governor Wes Moore today launched the Maryland ActNow campaign in partnership with EducationSuperHighway, reaffirming the Moore-Miller administrations’ commitment to bridging the digital divide by extending broadband Internet access to all of Maryland and making it more affordable. The governor was joined by US Department of Commerce Deputy Secretary Don Graves, state and local … Read more

Bridging the digital divide in DeSoto and Manatee counties

Lilly Esaau is a certified nursing assistant at a nursing home. She spends several hours a day at the DeSoto County Library retrieving paperwork and continuing education classes online because she doesn’t have an Internet connection at home. Without internet. Not at all, she said. Maybe I can access the neighbor’s wifi, but it’s off … Read more