Cheap Dui Insurance California: Find the Lowest Rates Today!

Mercury is the cheapest car insurance company in California for drivers with a DUI, according to MoneyGeek. However, GEICO is considered the best car insurance company in the state for both full and minimum coverage policies after a DUI.

A DUI conviction can make finding affordable car insurance in California challenging, but there are options available. We will explore the cheapest insurance options for DUI offenders in California and provide information on how long a DUI can affect insurance rates.

By comparing quotes from multiple companies, you can find the most affordable DUI insurance in California.

Understanding Dui Insurance In California

Understanding DUI insurance in California is crucial for those looking for cheap options. MoneyGeek found that Mercury offers the lowest rates for drivers with a DUI, while GEICO is the best overall insurance company for both full and minimum coverage.

In California, drivers who have been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) face several consequences, including higher insurance rates. It’s important to understand what DUI insurance is, how it can impact your insurance rates, and whether it is mandatory in California.

What Is Dui Insurance?

Here is what you need to know about DUI insurance in California:

  • DUI insurance, also known as SR-22 insurance, is a special type of auto insurance that is required for drivers who have been convicted of a DUI.
  • SR-22 insurance is a form that your insurance company files with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to prove that you have the required liability coverage.
  • This form is usually required for a certain period of time, typically three years, depending on your conviction.

How Does A Dui Affect Your Insurance Rates?

Having a DUI conviction on your record can significantly impact your insurance rates. Here are a few ways it can affect you:

  • Your insurance premiums are likely to increase, sometimes significantly, after a DUI conviction.
  • Some insurance companies may even choose to cancel your policy or refuse to renew it.
  • The amount of increase in premiums varies depending on several factors such as your driving history, age, and the insurance company you are with.

Is Dui Insurance Mandatory In California?

Yes, DUI insurance is mandatory in California. If you have been convicted of a DUI, you are required to obtain SR-22 insurance. Here’s what you need to know:

  • You must show proof of SR-22 insurance to the DMV before your driver’s license can be reinstated.
  • Failure to maintain SR-22 insurance can result in license suspension or even further penalties.

Remember, while DUI insurance may be costly, it is essential for legal compliance and getting back on the road. Be sure to shop around and compare rates from different insurance companies to find the best deal for your circumstances.


Understanding DUI insurance in California is crucial for those who have been convicted of a DUI. It is a requirement to obtain SR-22 insurance, and failure to do so can result in license suspension. Additionally, having a DUI conviction can significantly increase your insurance rates.

Shop around and compare rates from different insurance companies to find the most affordable option.

Finding The Cheapest Dui Insurance Rates In California

Looking for the cheapest DUI insurance rates in California? MoneyGeek found that Mercury offers the lowest rates for drivers with a DUI, while GEICO is the best overall insurance company in the state after a DUI. Avoid overpaying by comparing quotes from different providers.

Factors That Impact Dui Insurance Rates In California:

  • Driving record: The severity of your DUI offense and any additional traffic violations can significantly impact your insurance rates.
  • Age and gender: Younger drivers and male drivers generally face higher insurance rates after a DUI conviction.
  • Location: Your location in California can affect your rates, as some areas may have higher rates of DUI offenses.
  • Insurance company: Different insurance companies have different underwriting guidelines, which can result in varying rates for DUI insurance.
  • Coverage type: The type and amount of coverage you choose can impact your rates. Minimum coverage may be cheaper, but it may not provide adequate protection.
  • Credit score: Some insurance companies consider your credit score when determining rates, and a lower score can lead to higher premiums.

Which Insurance Companies Offer The Lowest Rates For Dui Insurance In California?

Several insurance companies in California offer competitive rates for drivers with DUI offenses. Some of the companies to consider are:

  • Mercury: Mercury has been found to provide the cheapest car insurance rates for drivers with a DUI in California for both full and minimum coverage policies.
  • GEICO: GEICO is another top contender for the best car insurance company in California after a DUI, offering both full and minimum coverage options at competitive rates.
  • The General: Although not always the cheapest, The General is known for providing insurance options to drivers with a DUI on their record.

Remember, rates can vary depending on individual circumstances, so it’s important to shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the best rates for your specific situation.

Tips For Finding The Cheapest Dui Insurance Rates In California:

  • Shop around: Take the time to compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to ensure you’re getting the best rate.
  • Consider specialized insurers: Some insurers specialize in high-risk drivers and may offer more affordable rates for DUI insurance.
  • Explore discounts: Ask insurance companies about any discounts you may qualify for, such as safe driving discounts or discounts for completing a defensive driving course.
  • Maintain a clean driving record: While it may take time, practicing safe driving habits and avoiding further traffic violations can help improve your chances of obtaining lower insurance rates in the future.
  • Consider increasing deductibles: Increasing your deductible can lower your premiums, but be prepared to pay more out of pocket in the event of an accident.
  • Improve your credit score: Working on improving your credit score can positively impact your insurance rates, as some insurers take credit history into account.
  • Ask for assistance: If you’re having trouble finding affordable insurance, consider reaching out to an insurance broker who specializes in high-risk drivers. They may have access to additional options and deals.

By considering these factors and implementing these tips, you can increase your chances of finding the cheapest DUI insurance rates in California. Remember, it’s crucial to maintain proper coverage and fulfill all legal requirements after a DUI conviction to ensure you’re protected on the road.

How To Lower Your Dui Insurance Rates In California

Looking to lower your DUI insurance rates in California? Check out these tips to find cheap DUI insurance in California and save money on your premiums.

Driving under the influence (DUI) can have serious consequences, including higher insurance rates. However, there are steps you can take to lower your DUI insurance rates in California. By following these steps, you can potentially save money on your insurance premiums while also improving your driving record.

Here are some strategies to consider:

Steps To Take After A Dui To Lower Your Insurance Rates:

  • Attend a DUI education program: Completing a DUI education program can show your commitment to changing your behavior and improving your driving skills. Insurance companies may view this as a positive step and potentially lower your rates.
  • Install an ignition interlock device: In California, installing an ignition interlock device is mandatory for DUI offenders. This device measures your blood alcohol content (BAC) before allowing you to start your vehicle. Having this device can demonstrate your dedication to safety and responsibility, potentially leading to reduced insurance rates.
  • Consider SR-22 insurance: If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in California, you’ll likely need to file an SR-22 form with the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles. This form verifies that you have liability insurance coverage. While SR-22 insurance may be more expensive initially, maintaining it can help you reestablish a positive driving history and eventually lead to lower insurance rates.

Defensive Driving Courses And Their Impact On Insurance Rates:

  • Take a defensive driving course: Completing a defensive driving course can not only improve your driving skills but also have a positive impact on your insurance rates. Insurance companies often offer discounts to individuals who have completed such courses, as they are seen as lower-risk drivers.
  • Look for approved courses: When choosing a defensive driving course, make sure it is approved by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. This ensures that the course meets state requirements and will qualify you for any potential insurance discounts.

Maintaining A Clean Driving Record To Reduce Insurance Costs:

  • Drive safely and responsibly: The most effective way to reduce your insurance costs is by maintaining a clean driving record. Avoid traffic violations and accidents to demonstrate to insurance companies that you are a low-risk driver. Safe driving habits can lead to significant savings on your insurance premiums.
  • Pay attention to speed limits and traffic laws: Obeying speed limits and traffic laws is essential for both your safety and your insurance rates. Tickets and violations can raise your insurance costs, so it’s crucial to drive responsibly and stay within the law.
  • Avoid accidents and claims: Insurance companies consider drivers with a history of accidents and claims to be higher-risk. By avoiding accidents and claims, you can demonstrate your ability to drive safely and potentially receive lower insurance rates.

By taking these steps after a DUI and maintaining a clean driving record, you can work towards lowering your insurance rates in California. Remember to check with your insurance provider about any specific requirements or discounts they may offer to DUI offenders.

With time and responsible driving, you can improve your insurance situation while prioritizing safety on the road.

Frequently Asked Questions On Cheap Dui Insurance California

What Is The Cheapest Insurance In California With A Dui?

Mercury is the cheapest car insurance company in California for drivers with a DUI. GEICO is the best company for both full and minimum coverage policies.

How Much Is Dui Insurance Per Month In California?

Mercury is the cheapest car insurance company in California for drivers with a DUI. GEICO is the best car insurance company in the state after a DUI.

How Long Does A Dui Affect Insurance In California?

A DUI will affect insurance in California for 10 years.

What Is The Cheapest Fr44 Insurance?

Mercury is the cheapest insurance company in California for drivers with a DUI for both full and minimum coverage policies. GEICO is the best insurance company for drivers with a DUI in the state.


Finding cheap DUI insurance in California may seem like a daunting task, but with the right information and comparison shopping, it is possible to find affordable coverage. Mercury has been identified as the cheapest car insurance company in California for drivers with a DUI, offering both full and minimum coverage policies.

However, GEICO is considered the best car insurance company in the state for those with a DUI, providing competitive rates for both full and minimum coverages. It is important to note that a DUI conviction can have a long-lasting impact on your insurance premiums.

In California, a DUI can affect your insurance rates for up to 10 years. However, by comparing quotes from multiple insurance providers, you can find the best rates available to suit your specific needs. Remember to always disclose your DUI conviction and any other relevant information when seeking insurance quotes to ensure accurate pricing.

With proper research and perseverance, you can find cheap DUI insurance in California without compromising on quality coverage.

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