We’re on the verge of the biggest changes in computing’s DNA, and it’s not just quantum that’s coming

Read more: The future of CPUs

Computers are built around logic: performing mathematical operations using circuits. The logic is built around things like Adders, not the snake; the basic circuit that adds two numbers. This is as true of today’s microprocessors as it is of all those dating back to the very beginning of computing history. You might go back to an abacus and find that, on a fundamental level, it does the same thing as your brilliant gaming PC. it’s just a lot, much less capable.

Nowadays, processors can perform many mathematical calculations using any number of complex circuits in a single clock. And much more than just adding two numbers together as well. But to arrive at your shiny new gaming CPU, there was an iteration process on the classic computers that came before, going back centuries.

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Image Source : www.pcgamer.com

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