How section 230 helped shape discourse on the internet

Twenty-six hidden words in a 1996 telecommunications overhaul law allowed companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google to become the giants they are today. A case the US Supreme Court heard on Tuesday, González vs. Googlechallenges this law, namely whether the technology companies are responsible for the material posted on their platforms. Judges will decide whether … Read more

Not, like, the nine biggest pundits on the internet: Judges appear wary of sweeping Section 230 ruling – SCOTUSblog

TOPIC ANALYSIS By Amy Howe on February 21, 2023 at 4.31pm Eric Schnapper argues before the judges for the Gonzalez family. Justice Neil Gorsuch was “under the weather” and participated in the argument from a distance. (William Hennessy) The Supreme Court on Tuesday debated the scope of a 27-year-old federal law that protects social media … Read more

How the Internet has transformed the design and fashion industry

The internet has changed the way we live and work in many ways, and the design and fashion industries are no exception The internet has not only made it easier for designers, industries and fashion houses to reach a global audience, but it has also led to new business models, new ways of creating and … Read more